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bilangan tentu bahasa Inggris

  • bilangan:    number; cardinal numbers; numeral; account;
  • tentu:    definite; will; certainly; in the bag; you bet;
  • bilangan tak tentu:    indefinite number
  • tentu:    definite; will; certainly; in the bag; you bet; assign; determinate; sure enough; positive; of course; positively; sure; delegate; definitely; definitive; physically; depute; fixed; natural; natural
  • bilangan:    number; cardinal numbers; numeral; account; piece; bit; identification number; turn; reckoning; numeration; act; figure; enumeration; accounting; account statement; quantity; tally; routine; count;
  • integral tentu:    definite integral
  • statis tentu:    statically determined
  • sudah tentu:    naturally; obviously; of course
  • tak tentu:    indefinite; indeterminate
  • tentu sahaja:    certainly
  • tentu saja:    absolutely; beyond all question; by all means; indeed; natch; of course; without question; you bet your life; certainly; heaven knows; naturally; sure; surely; unambiguously; iwis; assuredly; wis; u
  • tentu tidak:    not likely!
  • tidak tentu:    at loose ends; indefinite; without day
  • bentuk tak tentu:    indeterminate form
  • berjalan tak tentu arah:    traipse; traipsed; traipsing; travel across